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PUBLIC NOTICE SEALED STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS will be accepted by the City of Bowling Green, Ohio for Engineering and Surveying Services for the following project: Raw Water Reservoir Expansion Study The City of Bowling Green is accepting Statement of Qualifications for an engineering study related to the expansion of the Raw Water Reservoir at the Water Treatment Plant. The existing raw water reservoir provides approximately 170 MG of storage and is located east of the WTP. The City acquired 41 acres north of the existing reservoir with the intention of expanding the reservoir. The study will provide recommendations and feasibility for the expansion, soil borings, geotechnical analysis, constructability considerations, estimated storage capacity, project costs, estimated schedule, potential funding sources, rate impacts, potential complications or operational impacts, and future alternatives. Engineering firms interested in being considered to provide the required services should reply no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 4, 2024. Statements received after this deadline will not be considered. Qualification statements shall contain the information requested below. Any Qualification Statements not including all requested information or not updated upon request will be reason to deem a firm unqualified. 1. Provide a brief history of the firm. Include year established, type of organization and information pertaining to major areas of expertise. 2. Provide resumes for key personnel of the firm that will be assigned to work on the project along with office location where the work will be performed. Identify the primary person in your firm to be contacted regarding the SOQ. 3. List clients and relevant representative projects within the last five years. Provide a brief description and relative size of each project, personnel that completed the work, and client contact information. 4. Provide a description of the scope of work anticipated for this project along with an estimated schedule to complete the study. 5. Provide any further information which may be helpful for the City to determine the qualifications of the firm. As required by the Ohio Revised Code 153.65-71, the City will evaluate and rank the responding firms. The City will enter contract negotiations with the most qualified firm. The selected firm will be required to submit Certificates of Insurance providing professional liability and other insurance coverage acceptable to the City prior to the execution of a contract. Statement of Qualifications should be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) double-sided 8-1/2 X 11 sheets. Four (4) copies of the Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked with “Raw Water Reservoir Expansion Study” to: City of Bowling Green Attn: Brian P. O’Connell Director of Public Infrastructure 305 N. Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 Any questions regarding this project may be directed to Jim Odneal, Assistant Utilities Director (419) 354-6246 or jodneal@bgohio.org. CITY OF BOWLING GREEN, OHIO Brian P. O’Connell Director of Public Infrastructure September 18, 25 '24

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