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NOTICE OF SALE UNDER JUDGMENT FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES In the Common Pleas Court of Wood County, Ohio, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes, County Treasurer of Wood County, Ohio. Plaintiff VS Parcels of land encumbered with delinquent liens Defendants WHEREAS, Judgment has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, interest, and costs, as follows: 24-LF-002 A02-311-310105002000 - Lot number 31 in A.C. Calkins Addition to the Village of Welker, now Galatea, Wood County, Ohio, in accordance with Volume 7 of Plats, Page 7. Address of Property: 1730 Galatea Road, North Baltimore, OH 45872. Owner: National Homes LLC, c/o Jacob Kaufman, 341 Myers Street, Jerry City, OH 43437. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due – $0.00; Court Costs – $326.73; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total – $626.73 24-LF-003 F23-310-260416013000 F23-310-260416014000 - The North fifty-four (54) feet of Inlot numbered Three Hundred Eighty-Two (382) and Three Hundred Eighty-Three (383) in G.W. Frank’s Addition to the Village of North Baltimore, Wood County, Ohio, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Volume 3, Page 153, Plat Records of Wood County, Ohio. Address of Property: 204 North Beecher Street, North Baltimore, OH 45872. Owner: Robert K. Loe (deceased) and Belinda S. Phillips (deceased). Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due – $4,613.72; Court Costs – $698.33; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total – $5,612.05 24-LF-009 A06-311-040102011000 - Situated in the Village of Jerry City, County of Wood, and State Of Ohio: Inlot number 37 in the Village of Jerry City, Wood County, Ohio, in accordance with Volume 1 of Plats, page 91. Address of Property: 0 Jerry Street, Jerry City, OH 43437. Owner: National Homes, LLC, c/o Jacob Kaufman, 341 Myers Street, Jerry City, OH 43437. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $3,950.00, Court Costs - $405.84; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $4,655.84 24-LF-015 H28-712-270000003000 - A parcel of land located in the northeast quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty Seven (27), Town Seven (7) North, Range Twelve (12) East, in Lake Township, Wood County, Ohio, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of said Section 27, two hundred sixty four and 14/100 (264.14) feet west of the northeast corner of said Section 27; thence south on a line parallel to the east line of said Section 27, a distance of six hundred sixty (660) feet to a point marked by an iron pipe; thence west on a line parallel to the north line of said Section 27, a distance of One Hundred Fifty Four and 08/100 (154.08) feet to a point marked by an iron pipe; thence north on a line parallel with the east line of said Section 27, a distance of six hundred sixty (660) feet to the north line of said Section 27; thence east on the north line of said Section 27 a distance of One Hundred Fifty Four and 08/100 (154.08) feet to the place of beginning, containing two and one third (2-1/3) acres of land, more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Address of Property: 3065 Latcha Road, Millbury, OH 43447. Owner: Chester W. Goodman (deceased), et al., Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $15,899.46; Court Costs - $703.62; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total – $16,903.08 24-LF-019 G27-309-250106003000 G27-309-250106004000 - Parcel 1: The south Forty (40) feet of Lot Number One Hundred Seventeen 9117) in Wall’s Addition to the Village of Hoytville, Wood County, Ohio, in accordance with Volume 4 of Plats, page 25. Parcel 2: Lot Number One Hundred Sixteen (116) in Wall’s Addition to the Village of Hoytville, Wood County, Ohio. Address of Property: 2588 Garfield Street, Hoytville, OH 43529. Owner: National Homes, LLC, c/o Jacob Kaufman, 341 Myers Street, Jerry City, OH 43437. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $4,123.41; Court Costs - $0.00; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $4,423.41 24-LF-020 G27-309-260203009000 - The south thirty-six (36) feet less the south three (3) feet of Lot Number Twenty (20) in the Village of Hoytville, Wood County, Ohio, in accordance with Volume 2 of Plats, Page 11, together with any appurtenances thereto. Address of Property: 2517 North Main Street, Hoytville, OH 43529. Owner: National Homes, LLC, c/o Jacob Kaufman, 341 Myers Street, Jerry City, OH 43437. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $ 433.39; Court Costs – $0.00; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $733.39 24-LF-021 H31-712-090108003000 H31-712-090108018000 - Situated in the Village of Walbridge, County of Wood, State of Ohio, described as follows: Lot 445 and 460 in Rehton Park Addition, as recorded in Plat 6-80, in the Village of Walbridge, Wood County, Ohio. Address of Property: 212 Wilber Street, Walbridge, OH 43465. Owner: Sylvia Martin (deceased) and William L. Martin (deceased), et al., Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $5,132.67; Court Costs - $683.99; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $6,116.66 24-LF-023 H31-712-090302030000 - Lot Number 44 in Walwood Acres Subdivision, an Addition in the Village of Walbridge, Wood County, Ohio, in accordance with Volume 11 of Plats, page 92. Address of Property: 108 Harlan Drive, Walbridge, OH 43465. Owner: Brian and Nina Thomas, 108 Harlan Drive, Walbridge, OH 43465. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $6,387.71; Court Costs - $313.39; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $7,001.10 24-LF-026 K43-409-160402036000 - Lot number One Hundred and twenty-five (125) in James F. Dubb’s Addition to the Village of Milton Center, Wood County, Ohio, in accordance with Volume 1 of Plats, Page 67. Address of Property: 10145 Church Street, Milton Center, OH 43541. Owner: Tim Seeley and Elizabeth Rister, 10145 Church Street, Milton Center, OH 43541. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due – $828.78; Court Costs - $413.94; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $1,542.72 24-LF-030 K43-409-210201013000 - Lot Number One Hundred Sixty-one (161) in the Village of Milton Center, Wood County, Ohio, less the south seven (7) feet of said Lot Number One Hundred Sixty-one (161) in accordance with Appraiser’s Plat recorded in Volume 6, page 55. Address of Property: 0 Mermill Road, Custar, OH 43511. Owner: George Rife Jr., 20150 Locust Street, Weston, OH 43569. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $15,645.91; Court Costs - $710.98; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $16,656.89 24-LF-031 G27-309-260401008000 - Situated in the Village of Hoytville, County of Wood, State of Ohio, and known as and being Lot Number Thirty-nine (39) according to the plat of said Village recorded in Volume 2, page 11. Also one-half interest in the tublar well located in the line between said lot thirty-nine (39) and lot forty (40) of said Village. Address of Property: 20017 West Church Street, Hoytville, OH 43529. Owner: Jacob Kaufman, 341 Myers Street, Jerry City, OH 43437. Taxes, Penalties & Interest Due - $0.00; Court Costs - $491.67; Sheriff’s Fees - $300.00 = Total - $791.67 The figures listed are current as of September 6, 2024. If the property is sold, there may be additional fees for poundage and court costs due upon confirmation of sale and before delivery of deed to purchaser. WHEREAS, such judgment orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment; NOW, THEREFORE, Public notice is hereby given that I, Mark Wasylyshyn, Sheriff of Wood County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount that equals at least the total amount of the judgment, including all taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest payable subsequent to the delivery to the prosecuting attorney of the delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., in the Wood County Courthouse Complex Atrium, in the City of Bowling Green, Ohio, on Thursday, October 24, 2024. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on Thursday, November 7, 2024, for an amount that equals at least the total amount of the judgment, including all taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest payable subsequent to the delivery to the prosecuting attorney of the delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL SUCH REAL PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION IS SUBJECT TO A FEDERAL TAX LIEN THAT MAY NOT BE EXTINQUISHED BY THE SALE. All bidders are advised to check with the Wood County Auditor’s Office prior to bidding, in order to determine whether or not there are any present or potential liens or assessments against the property sought. Mark Wasylyshyn, Sheriff Paul A. Dobson, Attorney September 18, 25 October 2 '24

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